Monthly Archives: March 2014


Driving Test Success in Navan – Sean


Congratulations to Sean Lawlor who passed his driving test in Navan on Tuesday 25th March 2014 at the FIRST attempt and with ZERO driving faults!!!!

Sean came to iDrive for Essential Driver Training with virtually no experience. He availed of the First Ireland insurance discount scheme and got himself a little car to practice in.

He did really well throughout his EDT lessons and was in a good place heading into his test.

He made a few errors in the hour leading up to his test and I made sure he was totally focused to make sure he eliminated as many of these faults as possible and that he did!!

It’s extremely unusual for a pupil to get through their test with no faults at all. It’s an excellent achievement!!

Well done Sean on an outstanding test result. Safe driving!! >

Driving Test Success in Navan – Edita


Congratulations to Edita who passed her driving test in Navan on Friday 21st March 2014.

This was Edita’s 2nd test with iDrive having failed 3 weeks earlier for a simple error of not proceeding at a flashing amber light on a pedestrian crossing when no pedestrians were using it (it really can be that easy to fail!!) Other than this error she’d have passed easily.

She came back for a couple of refresher lessons before her re-sit and passed very easily with a low score on the day, despite the poor weather conditions and heavy Friday evening traffic!!

Well done Edita, safe driving!!

Driving Test Success in Navan – Dylan


Congratulations to Dylan Coyne who passed his driving test in Navan on Thursday 20th March 2014 at the very FIRST attempt!

Dylan came to iDrive for Essential Driver Training on the referral of a friend. Dylan could already drive but it’s fair to say he had some bad habits that he needed to lose. Dylan quickly knuckled down and worked very hard to get rid of the existing faults he had. He worked very hard to master new skills like the turnabout and reverse too.

He passed his test 5 months after commencing EDT and managed this through hard work and determination to get it first time and he really deserved to do so.

Well done Dylan and safe driving!!

Driving Test Success in Navan – Eoin


Congratulations to Eoin Markey who passed his driving test in Navan on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the very FIRST attempt!!

Eoin came to iDrive having already completed his Essential Driver Training. He came for a pre-test and 2 other lessons before his test. A natural driver who was very easy to teach. His observations were excellent and the use of his mirrors first class. His reverse around the corner needed a little bit of sharpening though.

I was extremely confident Eoin would pass as he headed off with his tester and he didn’t disappoint.

Well done Eoin, safe driving!!

Driving Test Success in Navan – Claire


Congratulations to Claire Breathnach who passed her driving test in Navan on Wednesday 19th March 2014 at the FIRST attempt!!

Claire came to iDrive without any driving experience whatsoever for Essential Driver Training. She completed her EDT lessons without any real private practice between them. She really worked hard and was determined to pass first time. Her observations were excellent but the thing Claire found most difficult was reversing around the corner. This was something we spent a bit of time on, even devoting the hour immediately before her test to it solely.

I was personally delighted to see Claire pass first time. She was a model pupil, listened intently and always worked hard to improve her driving.

Massive congratulations Claire, really well done!!!

20% of fatalities in 2013 NOT wearing a seatbelt

An analysis of road fatality statistics has revealed that almost 1 in 5 vehicle occupants killed on Irish roads in 2013 were not wearing their seatbelt at the time of the collision, meaning that as many as 21 lives could potentially have been saved if they had been wearing their seatbelt.

To me, the video says it all. Quite how anyone in this day and age would consider, for 1 second, getting into a car and not belting up is beyond me. If that’s you, listen to the words of the consultant. He is describing you, not as a person, but as a potential “ejection” who might not have a head or a face. Now think about the aftermath of an incident like that. Not about how you’ll feel, you’ll be dead no doubt, but about how your family or friends will feel. What about the poor person who has to formally identify you?

Don’t be selfish. Wear a seatbelt EVERY time you get into a vehicle.

Driving Test Success in Navan – Ciarán

Ciaran Curtis

Congratulations to Ciarán Curtis who passed his driving test in Navan today, 13th March 2014, less than SIX months after starting to drive!

Ciarán came to iDrive as pretty much a total beginner. He had a learner permit dated before April 2011 therefore he didn’t have to do Essential Driver Training (E.D.T.) We started off with 2 hour lessons to get him quickly up to speed and on the road. Keen to learn and progress he listened to all the advice I gave him and worked hard to improve. Once insured on a family car he practiced as often as possible between lessons to perfect his skills.

All the effort and determination paid off on the day and he passed well. He even had a Testing Supervisor in the car with him as well as his actual tester, no pressure there!!

Well done Ciarán!

Driving Test Success in Navan – Mick


Congratulations to Mick Jardine who passed his driving test in Navan today, 7th March 2014.

Mick came to iDrive having failed a test some years ago. He started off with a 2hr pretest where I identified a number of faults with his use of the clutch, acceleration and observational errors.
Mick worked really hard between the pretest and the actual test to eliminate EVERY one of those errors and only picked up TWO driving errors for progress turning left. Even the tester commented on how good a drive he put in.

Well done Mick, happy and safe driving!!

Driving Test Success in Navan – David


Congratulations to David Martin who passed his driving test in Navan on Tuesday 4th March 2014 at his FIRST attempt!!

David had been driving for a number of years and came for a pretest a week before his test. We identified a number of issue including clutch and observational errors as well as trouble with his manouevres.

In a few days and with lots of practice he eliminated the clutch errors and didn’t collect any faults for this aspect of his driving!

Really well done David, drive safely!!!